Astrology for Realizing Your Potential

Volume 8 | Mars Conjunct Uranus and New Astrology Course

We're excited to share that a new astrology class will be starting in early September, along with transit insights on the recent Mars and Uranus conjunction.

Table of Contents

Current Transits

Mars conjunct Uranus at 26° Taurus on July 15th unites the planet of action and energy with the archetype of individuation and innovative change. This astrological event invites us to break free from norms, value our uniqueness, and ignite creativity born from acting independently. Uranus encourages us to assert our individuality and make decisions about who we are or want to become without external influences.

Uranus takes about 84 years to orbit the Sun and spends roughly 7 years in each zodiac sign, its current presence in Taurus emphasizes the need for commitment, patience, and enduring qualities.

Uranus entered Taurus back in 2018, but with the upcoming Mars conjunction, a fresh transformative cycle of action is beginning. This powerful alignment initiates significant changes, propelling us toward our long-term ambitions with renewed energy. It offers a unique opportunity to harness this burst of innovation to rethink strategies, redefine goals, and launch long-term projects that align with our deepest values.

Mars and Uranus present a dynamic opportunity to blend Mars' fiery energy with the grounded, practical influence of Taurus. This duo challenges us to evolve from the Aries mantra of 'just do it' to a more sustainable 'let’s keep doing it,' provided we are prepared to invest the necessary work, sweat, and effort.

As you reflect on these astrological influences, check to see if you have any placements at or around 26° Taurus to understand how this conjunction impacts your personal astrological chart.

To learn more about this unique placement read: The Paradox of Uranus in Taurus.

Astrology for Realizing Your Potential

As an astrologer, I teach from a transpersonal perspective, which emphasizes becoming more aware of what our natal chart reveals about our potentials.

One misconception is that the astrology chart defines who you are. In my view, this is not the case. It is only through effort that a person's highest ideals and potentials can be realized.

Why It Matters

When we first move through life, particularly during our school years, we only know what our parents have shared with us and what we have picked up along the way from people. Sure, we may have strong instincts or inclinations from a young age, such as being an artist or a musician, but often our goals and dreams are greatly molded by the other people in our lives.

Some people report spending much of their lives reaching their goals only to find they still feel empty or uncertain about their path. Maybe you feel a creative spirit inside but don't know what direction to take, or you just live with a general sense that something is missing.

That is where seeing astrology as an archetypal blueprint allows us to gain awareness and distance on the set of realities we live every day. The insights gained from this understanding can be transformative, helping you recognize and harness your innate potentials.

How I Teach Astrology

In my classes, I deliberately keep the group sizes small to foster an intimate and supportive environment.

This setting encourages students to share their charts and experiences, creating a collaborative learning space where everyone can explore how they are living out the "archetypal principles" reflected in their charts.

By laying out the building blocks of a chart, I enable students to see the practical application of astrological concepts in their daily lives, making the learning process both engaging and personal.

Astrology Basics

We always start with the basics, even for those with some astrological background, but I reframe how you understand the Signs, Planets, and Houses. This foundational knowledge is crucial, as it builds a comprehensive understanding that supports more advanced learning.

I affirm that we each have free will, and astrology can help us expand on this the more we understand our charts. Additionally, to truly grasp the essence of one’s chart, I incorporate teachings from psychology, particularly depth psychology, and philosophy, providing a holistic approach to astrology that enriches your learning experience.

Course Details

Start Date: September 9, 2024

Schedule: Weekly on Mondays at 6:00 PM Pacific Time (First class starts at 5:45 PM PT)

Duration: 26 weeks, approximately 2 hours per session

Platform: Live on Zoom

Inspiration for your Journey

Learn more about how the school approaches astrology as an ancient, sacred, secret code to understand yourself and the world better. This code helps you cope with life, feel a sense of purpose, and become more successful while being true to yourself. Astrology is that code when approached correctly.

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